Saturday, October 1, 2011


We will start programming once we have enough people, and the proper guidelines.

What we have:

Perdue PHP Guidelines: Gos over what needs to be done so others can read the work and strengthen it.
HTML: It is still unchosen

Who are we missing
PHP 1/2
HTML 0/3
Artwork 0/?

If you would like to be part of making the game, I will need to make sure of your authenticity(Trustworthiness) Just send me an email.

Also if I didn't give any information. Etraga is a game set in development. It is:
Strategically Militaristic and Environmentally set with Economical back end Browser Game. Its Real Time. We have many documents on the game, and how it will work. Just missing the programmers needed.

So if you would like to be part of the Etraga team but don't program. We are offering 700 Beta Codes. So 700 people will try to tell us what is needed, and displace, etc. The necessary points are:
3+ hours a week
Actual game play
No bots, scripts or any items that automate, or alter the game's play time, integrity, or visual aspect of the game. This will not be open source. The time and giving up the foot stand in our position, and dont forget the hours and money that were put into the game will leave the game free to play, but not open source. Plus why would you want it to be open source? Less players per server. Less stability. More attackers. Etcetera ~

So as I explained I hope enough, here are how the activation codes will look:

10 Digits and or Characters

So I hope that if you would like to join the Beta, email me @ etraga so hope to kick off with 700 tester!

We proudly recommend Ubuntu 11.10, in 12 days!

* We are not officially affiliated with Canonical, just wish we were.

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